The clinical study of initial drug injection to end part by peridural anesthesia and adrenalin application 硬膜外麻醉首次尾端注药及肾上腺素应用的临床研究
Clinical Analysis of 26 Cases of Hypotension Syndrome Caused by cesarean Section on Supine Position Under Peridural Anesthesia 仰卧位硬膜外麻醉下剖宫产术致低血压综合征26例临床分析
Nursing Care of the Patients with Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc by Manual Taxis Under Peridural Anesthesia 硬膜外麻醉下手法整复治疗腰椎间盘突出症病人的护理
Application of High-oxygen Medical Solution in hypotonic hypoxia of high-positioned peridural anesthesia 高氧医用液在高位硬膜外麻醉中低张性缺氧的应用
Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Peridural Anesthesia on SCE and RNA/ DNA of Lymphocytes 针刺复合小剂量硬膜外麻醉对淋巴细胞SCE和RNA/DNA比率的影响
Objective To research the therapeutic and preventive effect of high-oxygen medical solution and its safety on hypotonic hypoxia of high-positioned peridural anesthesia. 目的研究高氧医用液在高位硬膜外麻醉中治疗和预防低张性缺氧的效果和安全性。
Observation about using whole delivery accompany combined with peridural anesthesia for pregnant women who have accepted induced labor by oxytocin 全产程陪伴加硬膜外分娩镇痛用于催产素静脉滴注引产孕妇的临床观察
Cases who were performed gynecologic class B operation under ASA I~ⅱ grade peridural anesthesia and did not have diseases of the stomach, intestine, liver and gallblader, were randomly divided into 3 groups. 选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级硬膜外麻醉下,行妇科乙类手术36例,患者无胃肠、肝、胆疾病。随机分为3组。
Objective To explore the influence of continuous peridural anesthesia and health education on breast feeding in order to improve obstetrics quality and to promote breast feeding. 目的研究硬膜外阻滞分娩镇痛、母乳喂养的健康教育对母乳喂养的影响,以提高产科质量、促进母乳喂养。
The effect of peridural anesthesia on pituitary functions before and after pelvic operation 女性盆腔手术硬膜外阻滞麻醉对垂体功能的影响
Peridural anesthesia in femoral surgery for 319 patients over 60 years old were analyzed. 对319例60岁以上病人在硬膜外麻醉下行股骨手术的资料进行分析。
Study on Pharmacokinetics of Lidocaine in Waist Anesthesia and Peridural Anesthesia Cesarean Section 腰麻及硬膜外麻醉行剖宫产利多卡因药代动力学研究
Conclusion: Combined lumbar and peridural anesthesia acted quickly, effectively stopped the earlier stage pain in cesarean section, and increased no additional opportunity of side effects. 结论:腰硬联合穿刺麻醉起效快,并能有效消除剖宫产术前期的疼痛,而且也未增加副反应的发生。
Effect of combined lumbar and peridural anesthesia on the earlier stage analgesia in cesarean section 腰硬联合穿刺麻醉用于消除剖宫产术前期疼痛的效果观察
Conclusion 1 Peridural anesthesia and postpartum analgesia are effective and safe. 结论①分娩镇痛及产后镇痛其镇痛效果确切,改善产妇的精神状态,促进母乳喂养。
It can be concluded that peridural anesthesia is still an ideal way for femoral surgery for the aged. 认为硬膜外麻醉仍是老年人股骨手术较为理想的麻醉方式。
Objective To investigate clinically the effects of intravenous general anesthesia and basal peridural block anesthesia on the infantile hydrocele of tunica vaginalis. 目的比较静脉全麻与基础&硬膜外阻滞于小儿睾丸鞘膜积液和隐睾手术中的临床效果。
Objective To study the feasibility and safety of using whole delivery accompany combined with peridural anesthesia for pregnant women who have accepted induced labor by oxytocin. 目的探讨全产程陪伴加硬膜外分娩镇痛应用于催产素静脉滴注引产孕妇中的有效性和安全性。
Clinical Observation on Reducing Traction Reflex of Subtotal Gastrectomy Used with Combined Acupuncture Anesthesia and Peridural Anesthesia 针刺配合硬膜外麻醉减少胃大部切除牵拉反应的临床观察
The efficacy of peridural anesthesia in femoral surgery for the aged 硬膜外麻醉应用于老年人股骨手术的利弊及对策
Influence of Peridural Anesthesia Autocontrol Analgesia on Parturient's Lactation 硬膜外麻醉自控镇痛对产妇的泌乳功能影响
An Analysis of Peridural Anesthesia Accidents And the Complications 鄂西土家族苗族自治州硬膜外麻醉意外及并发症分析
Nursing care of patients undergoing painless urethral catheterization under peridural anesthesia 手术患者硬膜外麻醉下无痛导尿的护理